Course sales are coming to an end, and we need to warm up the doubters and communicate the benefits and advantages of the course as clearly as possible.
In general, I like it, but let`s make with a minimum of text, as here we are talking about an illustration with a scheme, not about the text.
Yeah, bro, that`s exactly what I needed.
And as a results we have...
Got it. Now I`ll tell you more about the process.
First of all check the composition:
Everything is ready. Now we can make money.
Now when we`ve put all the weights and balance in the material, we can get to the sketch.
Begin with the illustrations:
Pen tool sketch in Illustrator
Now correcting with isometric mash
It is almost done. Final part is the text and color.
Let`s make one last push:
Got it. We need to make a promotional material with infographics explaining the main features and advantages of the course.
In the text we need to include: course chapters, benefits, effect, deadline, price and link to purchase.
Concept: I`ll combine your powerful text and a lot of graphics with isometric illustrations. Check out the reference…
Imagine a copyright-free photo-ref here :)